Graduate Students

Grad students are in a MSc or PhD program - usually at Dalhousie University, but sometimes we have visiting grad students from other universities. Grad students' involvement in the lab is to conduct research, and (sometimes) supervise undergraduate researchers. Some grad students in the lab are primarily supervised by Aaron (which means he helps support them financially, and is primarily responsible for overseeing their education), while other students may simply be conducting a research project in the lab, but are primarily supervised by another faculty member.

In NCIL, grad students are responsible for conducting their own research according to ethical standards and lab protocols, and reporting regularly to Aaron. Grad students who are assigned to supervise specific undergraduates (including volunteers, independent study, and honours students) or research projects may have other duties related to this supervision. Outside of a formally-defined supervisory relationship, grad students are welcome to offer advice to other lab members, and help ensure best scientific practices in the lab.

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