
GitHub is a service that provides online hosting for software development. It is the largest repository of source code in the world, and is widely used for software development and distribution. A core feature of GitHub is that it allows for version control, meaning that as source code is updated, all changes are tracked. This enables developers to track changes, potentially undo those changes if they made errors, and also work collaboratively on development; if two developers make different changes to the same part of the source code at the same time, GitHub will identify those conflicts and provide mechanisms for resolving them.

If you have ever collaborated on a Google Doc, GitHub is similar in some ways. With a Google Doc, one person can start a text document and share it with other people. Multiple people can edit the document at the same time, and the entire history of edits is tracked, so that one can review the history and see who made what changes, and the document can be reverted to a previous version if necessary. However, GitHub is a much more complex and full-featured platform for software development.

If you prefer videos to reading (or like both), Aaron has put some videos based on this tutorial on YouTube. You can go to the playlist or view individual videos at the links below.


The core of GitHub are repositories. These are, essentially, projects. One can create a repository (or, if you're cool, a "repo") and upload source code for a project to it, including virtually any type of file. This could include source code, image files, Markdown files, Jupyter notebooks, Microsoft Word documents, or anything else. Generally, everything in a repository is relevant to a specific project. So if you are building a software application, all the files necessary for that application are stored in its GitHub repository. Repositories are owned by an individual (technically, by an individual GitHub account), who can add other people to the repository and control access to it. Access control includes determining who can make changes to the repository, as well as whether it is public (visible to anyone on the web), or private (visible only to authorized accounts).

Typically when working on a project, files are edited on an individual's computer (or a cloud-based service like JupyterHub). To do this, the individual would first clone (copy) the repository to their own computer (using a program called git), and then edit the file(s) as necessary. After each change to the project is made, the individual saves the file, and then (in a separate step) performs a commit to their local copy of the repository. The commit includes a short written description of the change, which helps track the history of changes and, in some cases, why those changes were made. After the change (or a set of changes) is completed, the individual can then push the changes from their local computer to the central GitHub repository in the cloud.

This tutorial will teach you how to set up a GitHub repo and clone it to your own computer.


Since the master version of the repository is, in a sense, the "one true" version of the project, it is not always a Good Idea to routinely merge every change into the master branch as one works. Especially when one is working on software that is already "live" and in use, pushing all changes directly to the master runs the risk of breaking something and causing all kinds of trouble. Instead, the best practice is to create a branch of the master. A branch is simply a "snapshot" copy of the master as of the time the branch was made (technically, the master is also considered a branch, so you may come across the term "master branch"; but generally if someone says "branch", they mean a working copy of the master). An individual can work on making changes to their branch, test these and make sure nothing breaks, and then merge the branch back into the master. Branches can also help minimize conflicts between developers, especially if one developer makes an error or otherwise decides they need to "rewind" their changes to a previous version. If everyone was working directly on the master, rewinding to a particular date to undo one's own changes, might also undo changes that another developer made to another part of the project. Branches provide a level of organization and control to ensure that each developer's work is "sandboxed" and safe from the activities of other contributors.align: left width: 65px


GitHub provides features that facilitate collaboration. One feature, already noted, is that when multiple people are working on a project, GitHub provides a mechanism for identifying and resolving conflicts (e.g., two people attempt to push different changes to the same file). As well, rather than pushing every change directly to the master repository, many collaborative workflows instead involve pull requests, whereby the author "proposes" their change to the other contributors of the repository, often leading to discussion and suggestions for further changes. Only once the owners of the repository agree with the change is the pull request approved and merged into the master version.

This highlights the fact that GitHub is also a social platform to facilitate collaboration on a project. Pull requests provide a way for contributors to discuss the best way to approach solving a problem, and — since all pull requests are saved as part of the repository — provides a history of the discussions that led to each decision. GitHub also allows people to report issues with the software. Issues can be reported by users of the software, who are not involved in its development but wish to bring a problem to the attention of the developers, so that it can be fixed. All active issues appear on the repository's GitHub page, and when fixed, they can be marked as "resolved" and the person who reported the issue will be notified. As you might imagine, an issue report in many cases will lead to a developer working on a solution, then generating a pull request to address the issue. GitHub easily allows pull requests to be associated with specific issues, to facilitate tracking the resolution of issues.

GitHub repositories also have other useful tools for projects, including an optional wiki (which could be used for more extensive documentation) and "project boards" that allow project management through tools like to-do lists. As well, every repository has an "Insights" section that allows anyone to view the history of the project, including when changes were made, who made them, etc.. This can provide insights into who made major contributions to projects, and when active periods of development occurred.

Software Distribution

GitHub also supports software development, and distribution, in other ways. Many software projects use GitHub as their means of distributing the software to end users, by directing them to the project's GitHub page and providing a download link. The main GitHub page for a project also allows the developer to display a file, in Markdown format, on the page, which can provide basic information and documentation about the software.


A final important tool that GitHub provides is forking. Forking is almost the same as branching; it also involves making a new copy of the repository for editing. The difference is that, typically, branching is done only by the core developers of a team. Many software projects, however, are open-source, meaning that they are free for others to copy and modify. Thus someone who wanted to make a copy of a project, examine its code, and potentially adapt or modify it, or include it as part of another project they were working on, would fork the repository. Forking creates a new repository on Github, with its own URL and master branch, that is owned by the person who did the forking, rather than by the owners of the original repository. However, GitHub tracks forking, so the GitHub page for a repository will show the number of forks that have been made, and provide links to them.

Other Uses of GitHub

GitHub offers a number of other features and uses. While it was originally designed for software development, a GitHub repository can serve as free cloud storage for any project and virtually any type of file (within limits; files are limited to 100 MB and repositories to 100 GB).

GitHub Pages

GitHub also offers GitHub Pages, which allows you to host a web site in a GitHub repository; instead of the repository's URL leading to a typical GitHub page, it shows the home page of the web site.

Aaron really likes this introduction to setting up a GtiHub Pages blog (but really any site) in 5 minutes.

GitHub Pages are most easily written in Markdown. Here's a tutorial on Markdown.

GitHub Classroom

GitHub also supports education, with extensive online help, and video tutorials, on how to use its services, and a dedicated GitHub Classroom service which allows educators to create sites for individual classes, where assignments can be distributed as repositories, with students creating branches of the assignment, working on their branch, and then submitting their work as pull requests.

Fun Facts

Github was founded by three developers in 2008, and sold to Microsoft in 2018 for US$7.5 billion, making each of its founders billionaires before the age of 40. Beyond just being a bit mind-boggling, that should tell you something about the value (literally) of the GitHub service to the tech community. GitHub reports having over 50 million users and over 100 million repositories. While anyone can create a free account and host public or private repositories, GitHub derives income from premium plans oriented towards large companies.

Although GitHub makes extensive use of the software tool git, they are distinct entities. The open-source software tool git was created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system, as a tool for distributed version control. Git can be used without a GitHub account; there are alternative public hosting sites for git repositories, and one can host a repository on virtually any computer. GitHub builds extensively the functionality of the git tool in its cloud hosting and collaboration services, but ultimately the core tasks of cloning, branching, pushing, and merging are all performed by the git application. As well, when working on one's own computer, one can either perform git commands form the command line (in a terminal), or through a variety of desktop applications, including GitHub Desktop and GitKraken.

GitHub's logo, seen at the top of this page, is called the Octocat, which has become a meme in its own right, and has its own GitHub page, the Octodex.

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