Website & Social Media

Lab Website

The lab website is for public communication of NCIL activities. It is meant to let interested outsiders learn what we do and who we are, and helps to recruit new lab members. It is, admittedly, a challenge to keep updated - but if you see things that need updating, please tell us! The website is maintained by Aaron and Cindy.

The main things on the lab website are:

  • people (staff and students; among undergrads we have too many volunteers to keep up to date, but we try to list all honours students)

  • descriptions of current projects

  • recruiting info for lab members and research participants

  • a list, with links, of lab publications

Social Media

We do have a lab Facebook page, and a Twitter account (@NCILab). They aren't currently very active. Feel free to tag us if you like though.

Our Facebook page can be used to post advertisements for studies. In some cases, we have a budget for doing paid, targeted advertising on Facebook to recruit people.

The Department of Psychology & Neuroscience does have active social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook (@psychneurodal)

Last updated