Meetings with Supervisor

All lab members are expected to attend the weekly lab "Nuts 'n Bolts" meeting to provide updates on the past week's work, and articulate plans for the coming week (or beyond). This ensures that you and your supervisor talk at least once per week. If you are unable to attend a meeting, you should submit an update via BaseCamp on the day of the Nuts 'n Bolts meeting.

If you need additional/more focused time with Aaron, you can book meetings. Please keep in mind that Aaron's schedule normally fills up at least a week in advance. Please also keep in mind that, due to the extent of his duties (which typically involves a lab of 6-15 students at any given time, staff, administration of academic units and supervision of associated staff, etc.), it is not feasible for him to meet individually with every trainee on a weekly basis. That said, you should not feel uncomfortable asking for meetings or other supervision when you need it. This can even include weekly meetings at times in a project where that level of input is necessary to maintain forward momentum.

Last updated